Sacred - The Sacred Faces Collection
Over the years I have been inspired by the nature of Buddha figures. Struck by their calm, their serenity and their wisdom I often photographed them and as I explored my subject I saw that Buddhas were not alone. That there were figures and symbols from many religions intended to cause reflection, inspire feelings of being present and to express spiritual ideas. It seemed to me that seen together, these images of different faiths might resonate with one another and create new understandings. So I set out to photograph thousands of religious icons, exploring the feelings they generated. I called the project 15000 Buddhas. But over time as the collection grew that name no longer described the work so I renamed it first as Sacred Faces and now as Sacred.
These images are portraits Each attempts to see the intention of the artist who created the artwork as well as the qualities the icon represents but also to make something that expresses my feelings as well.
The icons come from many religions. By project’s end, I hope to have something representative of every religion. When finished they will be a kaleidoscope of pictures; a wealth of images intended to generate thoughtful and contemplative feelings. The collection should be rich enough to invite repeated viewings and it should repay those viewings with a fresh view every time. The first viewing of these pictures was at Shatto Chapel of the First Congregational Church, Los Angeles in February 2015 and they have been seen at a growing number of venues since then.
This gallery you are seeing holds about 400 from the thousands of pictures I have made for the project. This is not the finished work, just a peek at the process of creation, an unfinished work in the studio. The first couple dozen are my current thinking about the best way to present the images, the rest are earlier versions.
I think the best way to see this gallery is to click on the slideshow tab and turn up Stuart Balcomb's beautiful music - that's what I do to see what is fitting together and what needs more work. Enjoy!
Bless you Andy. These are gorgeous images. Only wish I could be there to see them up close. Hugs to Darcy.
Love always,
All images and text copyright Andy Romanoff© - all rights reserved