The shrine at Wavy Gravys

September 24, 2015  •  1 Comment

Wavy Gravy, holy man/prankster/Hog Farmer/friend has a unique shrine in a spare bedroom at the Hog Farm house in Berkeley.  Filled with both sacred and personal icons, it's a private place to reflect on a life lived largely in public.  I spent the afternoon with Wavy recently talking and making these pictures.  Mainly we were quiet but from time to time Wavy would point at something and say "did you see that ...and then there would be a story about how some icon came to fit into his pantheon.  Here's a few pictures from a beautiful afternoon.

Wavy Gravy's shrine -Wavy Gravy's shrine - Looking from the doorway into the room.  What you see here is a tiny fraction of the collection.  There are faces everywhere, up high, tucked in corners, spilling over into the next room. Each one has some personal meaning, some connection to his well lived life - a place where a serious clown can ponder.

Wavy Gravy's shrine -Wavy Gravy's shrine -

Some are sacred faces you've probably seen before

Wavy Gravy's shrine - MLK booking photo iconWavy Gravy's shrine - MLK booking photo icon

Others you might not have thought of as sacred, but when you see them I think you will understand - Dr. Martin Luther King from a booking photograph


Wavy Gravy's shrine - AbbyWavy Gravy's shrine - Abby And for some it might help to have to have known the roads that Wavy traveled to understand - like this Abby Hoffman face from the seventies.  Taken together they make a beautiful whole.  The timeless sacred mixed with travelers from the road.  Tricksters, cartoon figures, people who made a difference by their public courage and quiet ones who made a difference outside the spotlight.  What a lovely shrine.  You can see it here;


Nixie Ryan(non-registered)
WOW! All of these photos are just amazing! Thank you for sharing this with the world!
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